
  • Release date : Sep 5 2020 - 11:16
  • View : 471
  • Visitor : 44
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences won 35th place in the world in "Good Health and Well-Being(SDG3 )" based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals

According to the Times International Ranking Institute, in the "Impact Ranking", Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences succeeded in gaining the position of 35 in the world in the field of health and welfare for the general public.  It is worth mentioning that Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences has made a 43-step jump compared to last year in this basic goal and has been upgraded from 78th place in the world in 2019 to 35th place in 2020.

 The ranking assessed the impact of universities on achieving the UN sustainable development goals to define a framework for the role of universities in the sustainable development of the world.  The Times claims that this ranking is the only system that evaluates the world's universities to meet the goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  This important achievement is due to the continuous support of the University Chancellor, the efforts of the esteemed Board of Directors, the diligent efforts and synergy of the various Vice-Chancellor's office, especially the Vice-Chancellor of Health, in line with the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs in collecting, monitoring, recording and tracking information.

 The Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs congratulates all the faculty, staff and students of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences on this success


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  • News code : 93165